2014-06-18 17:11:14 UTC
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This September I will have a flight from Qatar (Doha) to Japan (Haneda) with Qatar Airways on the very new route code QR810. By checking its flight route I've noticed that it flies over south Iran, south Afghanistan and north Pakistan for at least 1/3 of the flight time. I know that the war is over in Afghanistan and things are better now in Iran and Pakistan, but I'm still worried about having a flight over their territory.

Is it safe to fly over countries considered dangerous zones?

map of flight path

在MH17事件之後,似乎對“ Diogo”的關注是正確的。我們仍然不知道是誰發射了地對空導彈或空對空導彈,但仍然有可能擊落超過32000英尺的商用飛機。 :(在MH17的RIP。
六 答案:
Mark Mayo
2014-06-18 17:48:00 UTC
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相當安全。這些國家的大多數恐怖主義或問題都在當地。是的,有些人可能擁有SAM(地對空導彈),但他們甚至以800 km / hr +和33000ft +的速度看到您並擊中目標的機率都不值得考慮。他們不會浪費武器的嘗試。


非常安全。戰爭期間,一架加油機上的吊臂操作員說:“空軍幾乎沒有空軍,幾乎沒有任何小型武器可以到達我們,我們輕鬆地飛越了全國,使我們能夠直升至F-16,F- 15年代戰機和A-10年代戰機執行轟炸或巡邏任務。他們所要做的只是加油機在10,000英尺高空飛行超過10,000英尺就可以加油……” http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/confessions-of-a-usaf- kc-135-flying-gas-station-boom-op-1578048155
儘管這只是發生了:“烏克蘭內政部長顧問安東·格拉申科說,這架飛機在“被北克發射器發射的導彈擊中”時在10,000米(33,000英尺)的高度飛行。據美聯社報導。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-28354787
@MarkMayo MH17和IR655並沒有什麼不同。
2014-06-18 20:20:24 UTC
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In your particular example, there are a number of international organizations in that area, like the Arab League, the CCASG and the OPEC, which have the UAE as a member. Even if Iran would suddenly start to become as aggresive as North Korea and threaten to shoot down aircraft entering their region, the political and economical repercussions of actually doing so would be extremely severe. They would face embargos, cancellations of trade treaties, heavy sanctions and worldwide punishments. It might even be seen as an act of war, which might start an actual war involving the Arab League.

The threat of an attack from afghanistan is not as likely. Most of the Afghan terrorist weaponry dates back to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and involves shoulder weaponry with shorter range and outdated launcher platforms. The missiles themselves often don't have an operational range long enough to attack an aircraft flying at 40,000 feet at 900 km/h.

Pakistan's government has been stable for a while and even though diplomatic relations have deteriorated somewhat after the death of Bin Laden, the pakistani government would not take kindly to terrorists taking down a plane from their soil, let alone that they would take one down themselves.

In all cases, any attack originating from the ground of one of those states would have severe international repercussions and can easily lead to political, economical and possibly military action towards that state. Even if it's an action from a splinter group located in that country, it could still lead to military intervention, like happened in Afghanistan after the attacks of 9/11 by Al Qaeda. There are not many splinter groups who would commit such an act of terror with such a prospect.

否則,+ 1,但巴基斯坦政府未能阻止塔利班在幾週前在卡拉奇機場殺死36人。但是,與11公里的飛機相比,目標仍然容易得多。 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Jinnah_International_Airport_attack
Affable Geek
2014-06-18 20:18:30 UTC
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I have flown into Kabul on a passenger jet, in 2008. The protocol is very simple - the pilot isn't concerned for several reasons:

  1. If you are landing, as I was, you are going to be landing at night, because that's when they schedule them.
  2. Until they descend below 20,000 feet, you are out of the range of a SAM. Typically, they need to be within 4 miles of their target so at any sort of cruising height, you are safe.
  3. In reality, there isn't an easy way to detect what aircraft you are hitting at, and as such, little incentive for taking any random aircraft out.

I say all of this to say - this was for landing in Kabul, and nobody worried. Grant you, when we landed, we had to turn off all lights and close the windows, making us invisible - but if you are just on your way, you are totally safe.

Mark Micallef
2014-06-19 06:20:32 UTC
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I don't think there's any problem with this at all. Iran and Pakistan are not currently at war with anyone, the security situation is quite safe in both, and commercial airlines service those countries daily.

Afghanistan has been in an effective state of civil war since the departure of US forces, with a weak central government. However, it's unlikely any force would attempt to shoot down a random airliner since there is nothing to be gained and it would be a waste of expensive weaponry. Your main concern is your security on the ground should the aircraft need to make an unscheduled landing due to mechanical issues, but that happens relatively rarely and your aircraft can probably keep flying on to Pakistan or China before setting down.

South Korea hosts a large number of US combatants, but is nevertheless safe to fly over.

Enjoy your trip!

Phil Perry
2014-06-18 22:02:01 UTC
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@SpehroPefhany“ Inflammatory” 787,我知道您在那做什麼:D
Peter Green
2016-11-02 07:34:44 UTC
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  • 2014年:馬來西亞航空公司17航班在烏克蘭東部擊落。顯然是政府的一個案例,低估了叛軍可用的武器,加上叛軍誤認了飛機。
  • 2001:西伯利亞航空1812航班在烏克蘭附近擊落,顯然在訓練中出了錯。
  • >
  • 1988年:伊朗航空655航班在明顯的身份錯誤情況下被美軍擊落。
  • 1983:大韓航空007航班在進入受限領空後被蘇聯擊落,這顯然是造成
  • 1980年:安哥拉飛機(LinhasAéreasde Angola)Yakolev Yak-40因“外國飛機的行動”而在其本國被擊落。顯然是偶然的,細節尚不清楚。
  • 1980年:意大利航空公司870航班在意大利被摧毀(可能被法國噴氣式飛機擊落)。情況尚不清楚。
  • 1978年:大韓航空902航班侵犯了蘇聯領空,被誤認為是美國間諜場所。
  • 1973年:阿拉伯利比亞航空114號航班。失落了,進入以色列控制的領土,被攔截,拒絕著陸,被擊落。



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