2014-07-02 16:04:32 UTC
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This is a bit funny. I had posted a question in June - Use of unused Schengen visa to travel to Switzerland. Based on that I travelled to Norway and faced another problem. Some background:

  1. I have an Indian passport issued in 2005 and expiring in May 2015. The photo taken in 2005 for the passport shows a very skinny version of me.
  2. Currently I have put on a lot of weight and hence the current passport photo has significant differences, mostly in fat but facial features are the same.
  3. I have a recent photo on my UK residence permit issued in 2013, which usually helps me with the passport at border control.
  4. I have travelled back and forth between the UK and India for the past three years with the same difference in appearance - but never faced any problem.

This is what happened in Norway at border control:

  1. I provided my passport with a valid Schengen visa (type C multiple- entry, expiring in October 2014) and my UK residence permit to the Immigration officer and he asked me a few questions on my purpose of travel and other basic stuff.
  2. Then he moved on to the difference in appearance: my current appearance versus the photo in the passport. This is when the doubt started building.
  3. He then looked at me again and again - sideways, up, down - comparing with my UK residence permit, previous photos on visas on the passport.
  4. He called upon other two officers to look at my situation and everybody had the same doubts about my appearance. They would look at the recent UK residence permit but again go back to the passport photo and ponder what to do with me.
  5. I tried to build my case by providing other photographic proofs and my return ticket UK - India PAN card (it has an old photo of me from 2007), my Indian driving licence (new photo of me, 2011), my employer ID card (new photo, 2010) - but every time they looked at new photographic evidence, they ended up with my old photo in the passport.
  6. They constantly talked between themselves in local language (maybe Norwegian), which I could not understand at all. This went on for about one hour and still it was not over.
  7. The Immigration officers were not rude but very amazed at the difference and were looking for some way to relate me to old photo in the passport.
  8. Luckily another international flight arrived at that time and all officers had to make a quick decision on what to do with me.
    1. I was finally allowed to enter with warning to get the passport renewed as soon as possible to avoid any further issues at other countries' border control in the future.
  9. I had my biometric information on my UK residence permit, which I offered them to verify against mine but they said that they don't have access to UK information and that won't work in Norway.

I have more trips planned to Europe starting next week and that doesn't give me enough time to renew the passport. I might manage to get through other border controls similar to how I did in Norway but am worried if I get a tough border control official - I might be denied entry.

Is there any other way to prove that I am the same person who was photographed in the passport nearly nine years ago without renewing the passport?

我將其發佈為評論,因為這純粹是猜測。如果OP獲得了指定旅行的簽證(1),他能否及時獲得簽證; (2)這會使邊境越境變得更容易,因為理論上使館已經對護照進行了審查
十一 答案:
2014-07-02 20:22:20 UTC
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Let's reiterate:

  • You had a problem with your current passport
  • People were not accepting (or at least easily) other means of identification
  • It seems you were just let go on that occasion because people had "better things to do".

Even if by all laws your current passport (or other documents provided) should work, you already know that this didn't much impress the immigration officers you had to deal with. And they seemed to be of the friendly kind. Imagine what happens if one of them had a bad day and time to deal with you.

Sometimes even when you are right, it may be useful to remove as many obstacles as possible, so:

Make your passport photo match your physical appearance, one way or another.

@Tor-EinarJarnbjo:請注意,OP曾提到他計劃進一步穿越歐洲,而不是提及特定國家,因此他理所當然地擔心*“如果我得到一位嚴厲的邊境管制官員,我可能會被拒絕入境。” *
2014-07-02 19:11:14 UTC
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我知道您的問題完全基於歐洲的申根地區及其控制;但是,我讀了一個另一個問題的答案,其中包括美國國務院網站上的 FAQ的提要,我也將在此處添加。 p>



  • 進行過嚴重的面部手術或創傷
  • 已添加或刪除了許多/大的面部穿孔或紋身
  • 減輕了很多體重或增加體重
  • 進行了性別過渡



我同意,獲得新護照聽起來比任何其他選擇都要好得多。 (好吧,除了減肥之外,說起來容易做起來難。)
Nean Der Thal
2014-07-02 18:11:04 UTC
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People do change in time, this is a fact an no one can do anything about it unless you really stick to a strict life style. Considering that, you have two options:

  1. An expensive quick solution: Renew your passport, even if it is not expired. I am sure I have seen passport renewal forms with a checkbox saying "due to change in looks" or something like that. So just change your passport with a newer photo.
  2. A cheap long term option: Lose weight! so you will look the same as the photo in your passport 10 years ago!
減肥並不便宜。 :(-真誠的,胖子。
Tor-Einar Jarnbjo
2014-07-02 21:11:09 UTC
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You are probably running into several acts and regulations here, both of the issuing and the visiting country, each with vague and legalese description of what to do and what not to do.

The most relevant legal text is in this particular case probably the Norwegian alien regulation (Utlendingsforskriften), which in § 4-12 states that when entering or leaving the Schengen area, each person must subject to a minimal check to determine the identity based on the shown travel documents:

Alle personer skal ved inn- og utreise gjennomgå en minimumskontroll for å fastslå identitet på grunnlag av fremvisning av reisedokumenter ...

This is the national implementation of the Schengen Borders Code, which in article 7 states:

All persons shall undergo a minimum check in order to establish their identities on the basis of the production or presentation of their travel documents.

For all practical purposes, this means that you are required to present a valid travel document suitable to determine your identity. If your appearance has changed so much, that it is difficult to recognize you on your passport photo, it is your responsibility to obtain a new passport. You may of course present additional documents like a UK residence permit or an Indian ID card or driver's license, but even if these are official documents, they have in Norway the same legal significance as a golf club membership card.

When it comes to passports issued in Norway, the Norwegian authorities are even allowed to seize your passport if your visual appearance has changed, so that the passport photo doesn't match anymore (Passport act, Passloven § 7e):

Passmyndigheten kan kreve passet innlevert dersom ... dets opplysninger ikke lenger svarer til innehaverens utseende.

Or roughly translated:

The passport authorities can require the passport to be returned if ... its content do not longer match the holder's appearance.

2014-07-02 17:06:18 UTC
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2014-07-02 19:59:51 UTC
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2014-07-03 01:48:01 UTC
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如果他們不能這樣做,他們應該可以就最佳的訴訟理由為您提供建議。 br >

Scott Severance
2015-09-17 08:52:00 UTC
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2014-07-06 23:20:05 UTC
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2015-09-17 11:10:17 UTC
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Count Iblis
2014-07-03 06:21:21 UTC
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